Top News32 years old caught in Baler - 5 mins

32 years old caught in Baler – 5 mins

Posted on July 30, 2024 at 9:02 pm
/ ©Thomas Kaiser

A 32-year-old farmer died after getting caught in a baler while harvesting hay. A colleague found him as the tractor did not move for a long time. Investigations are ongoing.

Van Nadia Alina Kresl

Nadia Kresl 5 minutesNadia Kresl 5 minutes

1 minute reading time(124 words)

On Tuesday afternoon, July 30, 2024, a 32-year-old man was critically injured in a farm accident. Around 2 pm, the 32-year-old was busy with agricultural work with a tractor. He may press hay into bales with a round bale trailer.

Investigations are ongoing

A 28-year-old worker who was cutting grass nearby came to know that the tractor was not moving for a long time. When he checked, the 32-year-old was found to be trapped in the baler. An alert paramedic could only determine the man was dead. The accident is currently under ongoing investigation.

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