A diet rich in fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of dementia. Now a study has identified which types of fruit are particularly beneficial.
FULDA – There are many things you can do at a young age to improve mental health and prevent the development of dementia. In addition to a good social network, this includes a healthy lifestyle with adequate exercise and a balanced, healthy diet. There are certain foods, nutrients, and vitamins that are especially good for keeping brain health stable over the long term.
Which two types of fruits protect better against dementia?
Many studies have shown that phytochemicals or flavonoids can have positive effects on mental performance. This was reported by 24vita.de. These flavonoids are also found in cocoa and green and black tea. As plant pigments, flavonoids are responsible for the red, blue, pale yellow, and purple colors of many vegetables and fruits.
They are a subgroup of polyphenols. According to German Society for Nutrition (DGE) Especially berries, red wine, apples, tea, nuts and chocolate.
One of the trade magazine PNAS A study published by Columbia University in New York has now examined the causal relationship between these plant substances and mental performance. About 3,600 healthy test subjects aged around 70 participated in the study.
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Of these, half of the study participants consumed 500 milligrams of flavanols, a subgroup of flavonoids, from cocoa daily for three years. The other group received a placebo without these plant ingredients. In a subset of 1,400 test subjects, urine samples were used to determine how healthy they ate and how much tea, fruit and vegetables they consumed.
Although participants’ flavonoid intake was assessed only retrospectively in other studies, this study was able to accurately determine it. In addition, tests were used to measure how well the mental performance of test subjects was.
The result: One-third of participants who ate a healthy diet had the smallest reduction in performance over time. A third of the participants who specifically consumed some flavonoids in their diet directly benefited from supplementing with flavonols in pill form. In their case, the decline in cognitive abilities was prevented and memory performance improved.
“However, supplemental intake had no effect on participants who regularly ate apples and berries,” it continues. 24vita.de Research shows that both these types of fruits protect against dementia. The Health Insurance Institute also emphasizes the preventive effect of flavonoids AOK: “Studies show that secondary plant compounds have an antioxidant effect, meaning they protect against cell-damaging free radicals.”
Professor Dr. Bernhard Wattsl, President of the German Nutrition Association. Accordingly, flavonoids may be helpful in preventing dementia. But it is unclear whether there is a critical time window for their effect. According to the expert, decisive decisions can be made with nutrition already at the age of 20 or 40.
Researchers have now named five major risk factors for developing dementia. One of them is of particular interest among scientists.
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