Luger gave Gershbaum questions to ask

In 2017, due to his skills as a cultural manager, Gershbaum was appointed by a clear majority of the twelve-member jury as LIVA’s new artistic director, thus according to Luger of the Brucknerhaus. He enjoyed Gershbaum’s good work in Burgenland.

Luger: “I sent questions in advance”

“Because I believed then — and still believe today — that he was a great choice for Linz from an artistic perspective, I sent him general questions about the trial in advance. Looking back, I regret my behavior,” Luger said on the broadcast.

Video report by Mayor Klaus Lüger

Luger admitted in a broadcast that he communicated general questions about the investigation in advance to the then-and now-fired artistic director of the Brucknerhaus in Linz.

Luger anticipates the potential political repercussions, and writes that he is mindful of them and that they are “understandable from a party political perspective.” He apologizes to the people of Linz, writing that he has “set a bad example” and begs their forgiveness. In retrospect, he made a mistake and his behavior was “not right” at the time.

Luger faced Chats

“OÖ Nachrichten” reportedly had a chat between Lüger and Kerschbaum about the issue the mayor was facing, and according to the related article, he admitted to sending the questions.

His attorney also confirmed the accuracy, saying Luger “didn’t care that much” about sending questions at the time. He documents Mr. Sent to Schmitz. This does not apply in labor law proceedings, the lawyer continued.

Meyer had repeatedly said he did not know Gershbaum before his application. However, chats convey a certain level of confidentiality, so the men were on a first-name basis.

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Kerschbaum was fired in July

The allegations against Kerschbaum became public in March, leading to his dismissal in early July. Among other things, he reportedly completed questionable self-dealings and outsourced programming to an agent who looked after potential artists for the concert hall.

But the role of his consulting firm and the inquiry into his appointment also raised questions. In 2017, Gershbaum prevailed against his rivals in the trial. Burgenlander received seven votes out of twelve, with four members voting against him and one abstention. The prospective director is said to have already received the commission’s questions, which he did not deny when asked.

Luger, chairman of LIVA’s supervisory board, said he first learned about it in November 2023.

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