Supreme crisis coordinator praises defense strategy –

National Security Adviser Peter Vorhofer today introduced himself and his role as provided by the Crisis Defense Act. At the same time, the top crisis coordinator praised the new security strategy.

Several expert groups and around 60 experts from various ministries worked on its development. Now it goes to Parliament and the National Security Council.

“Continuously Evaluate”

He could not understand the opposition’s criticism. Its purpose is to maintain regular exchanges with the National Council and the National Security Council. Additionally, the strategy will be “continuously evaluated” and sub-strategies will be modified or rewritten.

The function of the new Chief Crisis Coordinator is provided for in the Crisis Defense Act, which came into effect on January 1 this year. It aims to enable national crisis management.

New Crisis Defense Cabinet

These include, for example, the Crisis Defense Cabinet and the establishment of a Federal Situation Center in the Ministry of Home Affairs. Voorhofer said risks and challenges “will remain at this level or increase.” The world is moving towards a “multipolar, conflict world system”. Crises will increasingly spill over into each other.

According to Voorhofer, Austria’s geographical location has not protected Austria for long: “Cyber ​​attacks, supply chain failures and remote weapons are lessons learned from the past and new tools, not worrying about crises.” In the future it should be detected and resolved at an early stage.

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