Not the climate minister Leonore KueslerBut Finance Minister Magnus BrunnerThe newly appointed Austrian EU commissioner dropped a media bombshell on Wednesday afternoon: an agreement has been reached on the National Energy and Climate Plan, known as the NEKP.
The Climate Ministry told the Courier: “Work on the National Energy and Climate Plan (NEKP) is in its final stages. Austria will start one soon. Completed the climate project with the European Union Commission transmits. There we will see how we can achieve our climate goals Through domestic climate protection measures to reach Because we protect our climate in Austria instead Expensive certificates from abroad buy Based on the draft from 2023, further steps are required. In this, for example, Repeal climate-harming subsidies – It will be enshrined in the Austrian climate plan. Once we have the final details, we will present the completed project. That will happen in the coming days,” he said.
In the NEKP, Austria, like other EU member states, must explain to the EU Commission how Austria intends to achieve its 2030 climate target. The EU-27 has agreed to reduce greenhouse gases by 55 percent by 2030 compared to 1990. Austria, which already has the highest proportion of green electricity, must reduce its emissions by 48 percent by 2030.
This target is at least mathematically achieved in the now-agreed NEKP, the finance ministry confirms to KURIER.
Brunner told Klein Zeitung, which first reported on the deal, that the Turquoises were able to pull the “venomous teeth” out of the sensitive document.