Top NewsHe spoke against the reduction of criminal liability

He spoke against the reduction of criminal liability

Popler believes the constitutional state is “not protective enough” and wants to believe in more police officers, a youth court and prevention work.

SPÖ leader Andreas Pöbler is against lowering the age of criminal responsibility, despite the rise in knife attacks by young people. During Sunday's ORF “press time” he said “the rule of law is not a sufficient defence”, but as an antidote he called for more police officers and a youth court. In the National Council elections, the SPÖ is far behind the FPÖ in the polls and hopes to stay in first place; He only rejected an alliance with the Freedom Party.

Popler admitted that there are “mistakes and tasks” in the area of ​​migration and integration, but the ÖVP has always been responsible for this area. There are “problem areas,” “parallel communities” and “ghettoization,” Popler criticized. “We need a self-defense republic that can enforce the rule of law.” It requires more police officers, but also a youth court and smaller, supervised institutions with mandatory housing for young offenders. Prevention is also important. For Popler, however, reducing criminal responsibility isn't a recipe: He believes locking up kids can lead to them “staying on the wrong track.” He called for ankle bracelets for men who threaten women with violence.

Poplar rejected an asylum cap; He said that no one could seriously discuss such plans. “Active border security management”, complete registration, regulated procedures and withdrawal agreements are essential.

Popler tried to respond calmly to the cross-section of his own party: of course there are debates in a major party, which he tries to discuss internally and advocate for. “It could be done more professionally,” he told his companions.

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SPÖ behind FPÖ in polls

Poplar's SPÖ is currently far behind the FPÖ in opinion polls, but the SPÖ leader still believes it is realistic to reach first place in September's National Council elections. An alliance with the FPÖ is “irreversible” out of the question, but it remains “open” with all other parties – including the ÖVP, which Popler has meanwhile effectively excluded. Popler said the ÖVP must think about how to change itself. Popler left open whether SPÖ members would be allowed to vote on a coalition agreement after the election in a worst-case scenario – the SPÖ would first discuss internally whether that was necessary.

Poplar again criticized current government policy, for example in relation to anti-inflation measures. The SPÖ leader once again insisted on a rent cap, a ceiling on gas prices and a VAT moratorium on basic foodstuffs. He also stuck to his demands for full wage compensation and a gradual reduction in working hours along with a property tax. He recently called for “Transformation Funding”, about how best to take action against global warming in the form of investments and state participation, because “the free radical market that was promoted has failed”. However, when asked about financing, Poplar simply indicated that he was investing instead of buying certificates and paying fines. (APA)

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