Bartoli departs in balloon – from “Lorenzo da Ponte” airport

In keeping with this year's festival motto “Tuto Mozart”, the concert in the Great Festival Hall featured two symphonies by...

Bundesliga – Ilmitzer as head coach for season finale in Vienna, Austria

As a player, Wegleitner was a big name, especially at Seewinkel, where...

ÖVP Lower Austria job retreat – Mikl-Leitner wants tougher punishments for “unwilling to integrate”

Just weeks after the devastating floods in Lower Austria, €66 million in...

FPÖ – Hafenecker/Steger: “Austria must take a clear stand against EU punitive tariffs for electric cars!” Independent Parliamentary Club

Vienna (OTS) - "Austria must take a clear stand against the proposed punitive tariffs for the import of electric cars into the EU," FPÖ...