Top NewsEducation in times of climate crisis - University of Innsbruck

Education in times of climate crisis – University of Innsbruck

The evening sun shines through a tree standing on a hilltop.  A dark landscape all around.

“Conspiracy with Trees”.

On May 30, 2024, Sabrina Bacher from the Institute for Teacher Training and School Research, University of Innsbruck, together with Erika Hagström from Stockholm University, Sweden, organized the International Spring Symposium on the Study of Philosophy of Education (SPSE). , which almost happened. The event was dedicated to the theme “Education in Times of Climate Crisis”.

Eve Mayes from Deakin University in Australia was invited as a keynote speaker, the topic of which was her presentation “Conspiracy with Trees” was wearing Regarding its etymological roots from Latin, he explained “conspiracy” as “breathing together” (“conspiracy”; “con”: “together” + “spiree”: “to breathe”) and “over-human effort.” The starting point for his speech was a quote from a children’s book, “I speak for the trees, trees have no tongue.” The Lorax (1972) Dr. Seuss. Variations of this phrase are often used on posters by climate strikers Fridays for the future-Bewegung was used.

The lecture led to a stimulating discussion among participants from six countries (Australia, Norway, Austria, Sweden, Ukraine and USA). The role of formal education was central to the climate crisis. In this context, sustainability, activism, advocacy ethics and responsibility for the future were discussed in schools and teaching work.

Sabrina Bacher, current president SPSE, summarizes the results: “Formal education and society interact. One of the central goals of education is to encourage critical thinking and help young people understand scientific findings, which enables them to make informed decisions and act responsibly as informed citizens. At the same time, climate activism forces educational institutions to rethink their role in promoting a sustainable future and develop innovative educational approaches that meet the challenges of the climate crisis.

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Planning is currently underway for the next SPSE Annual Conference in November 2024. Founded in the United States in the 1970s, the society has successfully shaped the discourse on educational philosophy over the years through three main formats: an annual conference, a thematic spring seminar, and a journal. Journal of Philosophical Studies in Education (JPSE).

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