Top NewsRob on Equal Pay Day: “Equality can't be achieved by the federal...

Rob on Equal Pay Day: “Equality can't be achieved by the federal government alone…

The SPÖ calls on the government to implement the EU wage transparency directive and a free, all-day education place for children from one year of age.

Women's Minister Susanne Raab (ÖVP) stressed on today's Equal Pay Day that equality between men and women in the world of work “cannot be solved by the federal government alone”. He appealed to social partners, organizations and working groups to contribute and work together more closely than ever before, with “efforts at all levels”. When it comes to child care, states and municipalities are required.

Compared to men's wages, women symbolically have to work for free from the beginning of the year until today, February 14; The gender pay gap is 12.4 percent. Working in part-time jobs or low-paying occupations due to family obligations can contribute to the wage gap, the minister said in a press release. “Everyone needs children here, states and municipalities and institutions when it comes to the proportion of women.” He once again highlighted the central government's measures positively – around 4.5 billion euros for childcare by 2030. More women are needed in leadership positions, and the central government sets a good example on supervisory boards in state-owned enterprises.

Rob also wants to raise awareness among girls and young women about the best paying jobs in the MINT field (mathematics, computer science, natural science, technology). However, the union-affiliated Momentum Institute recently calculated that there is a gender pay gap in MINT occupations – three years after a master's degree in engineering, manufacturing and construction, it stands at 16 percent.

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Robb insists on splitting auto-retirements

Raab is also pushing to implement the automatic pension clause embedded in the coalition agreement. The current model allows a working parent to voluntarily transfer portions of his or her account credit to the parent, which is rarely used. “Our proposal for this has been with the alliance partner for a long time and I don't understand how one can object if the pension rights are fairly distributed between mothers and fathers,” the minister criticized. However, the Greens want a bigger package to fight poverty among women in old age.

Criticism of Rapp comes from the SPÖ. “Where is the EU Pay Transparency Directive enforced?” asked Women's Leader Eva-Maria Holzleitner in a press release. “Susanne Robb Turns Deaf to All Plans.” The Social Democrats' proposals include half-time parental leave and a statutory right to a free full-day education place for children from the age of one. (APA)

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