8 Happiness Tips to Help Fight the Winter Blues

Winter can be a real test of patience at times. As the sun appears less and less and wet, cold weather hits us, our mood quickly drops to freezing. You can beat the winter blues in no time with these eight cheerful tips.

Winter Depression: Symptoms

Are you feeling lethargic, weak and unfocused? As the temperature drops and the weather becomes more unpleasant, our moods become increasingly gloomy. In medicine it is referred to as “winter depression” as a symptom of seasonal affective disorder. Sufferers experience mood swings, feel permanently weak and sleep longer than usual.

Prevent winter blues: These cheerful tips can help

The good news is that conscious decisions and healthy habits can give our winter moods a real happy boost.

We've got eight tips to help you achieve greater self-care and a nice boost of endorphins.

Also interesting: we'll tell you how you can use simple tricks to keep your New Year's resolutions.

1. Eat happily

Just thinking about good food creates happy hormones for us. It's no longer a secret that fruits and vegetables are good for your health. But your mental health also benefits from vitamins and valuable minerals. Especially during the cold season, eating healthy not only boosts your mood but also supports your immune system.

Certain spices like chili, pepper or ginger have also been proven to brighten the mood and stimulate our circulation during the dreary winter months. Seasonal fruits like tangerines do wonders for a dull winter mood. The high vitamin C content not only boosts our immune system, but bright orange has an uplifting effect on our mood.

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2. Make your home an oasis of well-being

Gray weather automatically means we spend more time at home. Therefore, it is very important that we feel comfortable within our own four walls. The best way to do this is to exit properly in the first place. Finally get rid of unused things and create space for your personal relaxation oasis. For example, you can create a peaceful atmosphere with candles and incense sticks. You can also think about buying a small music box that always provides your favorite music in every room. It will automatically make you feel better and your mood will automatically improve.

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3. Know the benefits of winter

Instead of mourning the summer sun, embrace the benefits of the dark season. Every year, nature presents us with a breathtaking sight that we take for granted. Sensibly feel the impressive change of seasons and try to think about what you can do in the unimaginable winter in the summer: snuggle up at home while watching your favorite Christmas movie and impose speculation. This and more makes winter so special.

How are the others?

4. Essential oils for the winter blues

No matter how long you sleep, when you wake up you feel tired again and your head feels dull and heavy? Essential oils can help clear your head and help you stay focused and focused throughout the day. Peppermint and basil essential oils in particular have a positive effect on the ability to concentrate. If you have sleep disorders, you should include lavender in your daily self-care routine. A few drops on your pillow can help you get a deep, restful sleep. This way you start the day fit and rested.

5. Establish a new routine

Do you want to incorporate more exercise into your daily life or do you want to meditate regularly for a longer period of time? Winter will give you plenty of time to implement your good resolutions. Writing in a journal every day or going for a morning walk will bring fresh air into your daily life and challenge you. This is how you boost your self-esteem by doing something good for your body and mind.

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It instantly lifts your mood

6. Overcome inferiority complex with gratitude

If you find yourself in a whirlwind of bad mood, a piece of paper and a pen will be your salvation. Write yourself a list and find out what you are most grateful for in your life. Write down all the people and experiences that make you happy. This way you can refocus on the things you can actually count on and the bad mood will automatically disappear.

7. Create a to-do list

If you start the day with a solid plan, you not only prevent yourself from forgetting something important, but you also provide more structure to the winter grind. Set small, achievable things to do for the day. Every time you check an item off the list, your brain releases feel-good hormones and your motivation increases.

8. Talk to old friends again

Many people feel lonely during winter. You open the door less often and meet fewer people than on a nice summer day on the street. That's why maintaining contacts is even more important now! When was the last time you talked to your old school friend or had a long phone conversation with your parents? Pick up the phone or go straight to your loved ones!

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If you take one or all of these happy tips with you, the winter blues will soon pass and you can look forward to a magical season ahead. Don't worry: summer will be back soon!

Seek help for depression

Suicidal thoughts should be taken seriously and sufferers should seek help quickly, especially in this situation. Provides self-examination for depression, tips and addresses German Depression Help. Telephone counseling service 0800/111 0 111 or 0800/111 0 222 can be accessed anytime. There is also an online forum to share experiences diskussionsforum-depression.deIt is managed by experts.

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