Top News56. Vienna City Council: Financial Statements 2023 (10) | City of...

56. Vienna City Council: Financial Statements 2023 (10) | City of Vienna

Advising the Innovation, Urban Planning and Mobility business team

Vienna (OTS/RK) Official Stirin Maag (SPÖ) said of the FPÖ’s demand that bicycle lanes should not be at the expense of drivers and that this demand would be difficult to fulfill. With limited space in the city, she doesn’t see the possibility of doing things differently. Tram line 72, planned jointly with the federal state of Lower Austria, would have cost around 120 million euros, including vehicles, of which the central government would have spent 60 million euros and the two federal states 30 million euros each. “Vienna no longer has an excellent tram that connects fast trains and the subway very cheaply. It pains me that the regional council of Lower Austria simply brushes this off the table,” said Sima. Contrary to some claims, City Road is not the commercial group’s biggest individual project, but rather an expansion of the U2xU5. Overall, expanding public transport in Vienna will cost three times more than the road network. Sima lamented that not all cycle streets were painted red – “I don’t want that from a political point of view.” The bicycle lane on Krottenbachstrasse in Döbling was the only one of the 50 bicycle projects that clashed with the district head. Sima said the alternative route on Hutweidengasse recommended by the district head would cost the same amount of car parking space as the current variant. City Councilor Sima concluded by thanking the heads and staff of all departments in his political office and his business team. “We still have a lot to do, many projects are in the pipeline and will be implemented soon,” concluded Sima.

Advising the Social, Health and Sports Business Group

GR Wolfgang Seidl (FPÖ) began his speech with two positive impressions: In the municipal agency Kuratorium Wiener Pensionisten-Wohnhäuser (KWP), communication with the new administration has clearly improved and there is “really nothing” to criticize. Seidl also praised the new radiation device at the Tonastat clinic, which significantly reduces the number of sessions for patients, and recommended the purchase of such high-precision devices. However, there are “problems” in child and adolescent psychiatry in Vienna; Clinics in the city are understaffed. Seidl suspected that wages at WIGEV were to blame for the lack of staff. Because the WIGEV job site is not currently looking for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists. “We have to be honest about whether or not we should be staffed in such departments,” Seidl demanded. Seidl suspected that City Councilor Health Hacker’s idea that doctors would not be allowed to work in their own doctor’s office would lead to an even greater exodus of medical staff from WIGEV clinics. Seidl also doubted the effectiveness of an external “oversight committee” for WIGEV: “Unfortunately, the best expertise for the health sector is not there.” Expertise. Seidl submitted two applications for the appointment to the responsible local council committee: on the one hand, the next appointment of the Vienna Nursing and Patient Advocate should be supplemented by an inquiry, and on the other hand, the creation of children’s well-being facilities.

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GR Dipl.-Eng. Dr. Stefan Cara (NEOS) dedicated the opening of his speech to mental health treatment in Vienna. A total of 27,000 people work in the Vienna health system, but there are still bottlenecks. Therefore, the system should be developed so that the best care is available at the right place. A very important component of health care is psychosocial services in Vienna, which ensure outpatient care and relieve the burden on inpatients. The “Home Treatment” program created the opportunity to care for children and young people in their own homes. “The key is low-threshold care; this basis is well laid in Vienna. That’s why specialists from abroad always come here to work in Vienna. The newly created central health office in Thomas-Klustil-Platz brings many advantages, such as the exchange of knowledge between different medical authorities or vaccinations on site. Primary care Outpatient clinics and primary care centers will also help ease the burden on hospitals, as will the digitization of various processes, such as the health hotline 1450. Vienna’s hospitals will be equipped with “incredibly” modern infrastructure – “modern architecture. and climate protection go hand in hand”. At the same time, several research areas will be developed in line with Vienna’s historical heritage. “All these activities serve only one thing – the benefit of patients,” Kara says.

GRin Mag (GREEN) has identified several weaknesses in the Vienna health system. For the first time in decades, Viennese have less healthy lives than in recent years. “Behind it is a record of failure, because the glorious times of the past did not hide the cracks and fissures in the system,” says Huemer. The situation with long waiting times and few staff for pediatricians or women’s health is “dramatic and catastrophic”. Not a credit card, but an e-card should be the access to medical care in Vienna, said Humer, who called for more attention to women’s health and submitted an application for a report on women’s health. Humer thanked all the staff at the Vienna Health System for their dedication and commitment – ​​“even though the working conditions are not easy. The city of Vienna must become a pioneer, for example in the reduction of working hours requiring measures in the field of human resources to maintain the status quo. Last year 2.9 billion euros flowed into health care, but more is needed and more paradigm shift away from prevention and treatment. Humer called for the expansion of community and school nurses, the creation of longer Covid outpatient clinics, the strengthening of health literacy and a separate Vienna Women’s Health Report.

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GR Ingrid Korosec (ÖVP) thanked all the hospital staff in Vienna – “Especially after this and in these difficult times, this work is not only about special knowledge, but about so much more.” The challenges in Vienna’s health and social services are increasing rapidly, but the solutions cannot keep up. Koroszek praised the infrastructure plan for the Vienna clinics, but described the package as “ten or twenty years too late.” In the field of nursing, training attack and expansion of health hotline 1450 should be mentioned positively. A pain patient waiting three months for an appointment in Vienna is “dramatic”. Therefore, Koroszek called for SPÖ federal leader Poplar’s recommendation to be implemented, and a doctor could be appointed after two weeks. WIGEV’s spin-off is long overdue for them, as it will bring “enormous improvements” in all areas. Korosek, who submitted a proposal to reform WIGEV, said such a spin-off has been blocked by the union for years. When it comes to primary care units, a “huge effort” is still needed to reach the target of 36 units by the end of 2025. Gorosek also submitted an application for this. In the social sector, attention should be paid to the issue of social justice. The Vienna Social Fund is a “black box” for Koroček, since no action, such as counter-party investigations, is possible without subsequent information. (cont.) nic

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